Thursday, June 24, 2010

Today's post is brought to you by: The state of California- you can travel the world, but nothing comes close to the golden coast!

Man, I have got to stop paying so much attention to my radio, now I have TWO songs stuck in my head!

Anyhows, the next book club meeting will be on Thursday the 8th of July, at 4:30pm, or 1600 hours. I, tragically, may not be attending, as I have been drafted and shipped off to 'Nam. Be sure to vote on the polls as well.

Manix 4 is in it's second week in cinemas, and if you haven't already, you should see it.

Again, no one completed the kakapo challenge, but I did recieve one late entry for the one before. Here is you over-due Cookie!

Now for your next challenge: now, I know I have thrown a couple of curveballs recently, but this next one is a piece of cake (or cookie, as may be the case). Your next challenge is to find me on facebook (look for my name, initials M.K.), and add me as a friend! See? I told you it was an easy one! (oh and don't worry, you don't have to, I know there are some certain somebodys out there that aren't particularly fond of me)
What I have been reading you ask (well, probably not, but just go along with it)? Well, the second installment of me working my way through the mountain of books I got for my birthday sees me reading a nice big book on that grandest of human conflict, WWII.
And now a word from our sponsors....

1 comment:

Emma said...

I don't have facebook!! My mean nasty mummy won't let me. Random fact: scoptophobia is an intense fear of being seen.

Ace Of Clubs

Hi Welcome to the blog of the Mangere Bridge Teen Book Club. We call ourselves Ace of Clubs. We meet once a month, normally on the third Thursday 4.30pm @ Mangere Bridge Library. We talk about books, hang out and have random fun. This blog will tell you what we have been up to, what is coming up and of course lots of stuff about books. All teens are welcome so if you are around come along and join us.