Thursday, September 26, 2013


Ha! Yuss! Told you I'd give that extra entry! And you all thought I'd lied about it. You thought I was insane. But I showed you. I showed all of you! AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!


Yes. Quite. Now for the news.

If you were at the last librarything you probably found out the anual Hallow's eve thingummy had been canceled. The good news is that now might not be true. Maybe. I'm trying to rustle up some more support for it, and I've even offered my services to help organise it so it's less of a burden, but it's still up in the air. You'll need to give some support too if we're going to get one I think. There's a page on facebook I've made if you're on there, do join up if you're really interested. The more effort people put in the more likely it is to happen. I think. Maybe.

Next library thing is the 10th of october, and will be dedicated to our fine modern empire of science and industry. To colonialism, invention and England!

Now for the last part in my trilogy, for what it's worth. For the last of all, I'm going back. Way back. To a time when I was actually happy more often than not. This time I'll be looking at:


The paper-based semi-telivised cartoon of my childhood. It is fantastic. Read it. If you ever have children, get them to read it too. If you really really need to know it's story, then I can only assume you have been living under a menhir for the better part of two centuries. It's ye olde classical period, and the titular Asterix and his friends, a bunch of French barbarians or Gouls, spend their daily lives having adventures and inevitably beating the snot out of the Romans that occupy most of France. Come on, I thought everyone knew that.

It is a classic in every sense of the word. I don't know what more to say really. It's hilarious and one of the big things I remember from being a young'un. I can only wish that the 2-3 people who read this will have similarly fond childhood memories from it.

I am nostalgic now. Excuse me while I go and sit by myself looking out into the distance, smoking a pipe and grumbling about how things were better in my day.

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Ace Of Clubs

Hi Welcome to the blog of the Mangere Bridge Teen Book Club. We call ourselves Ace of Clubs. We meet once a month, normally on the third Thursday 4.30pm @ Mangere Bridge Library. We talk about books, hang out and have random fun. This blog will tell you what we have been up to, what is coming up and of course lots of stuff about books. All teens are welcome so if you are around come along and join us.