Hi all, yet again three months have passed. I blinked I'm afraid and missed them.
Manix this year has been awesome! You all sent in some fantastic reviews and the submissions for the Remix challenges were great as well. It was nice to hear that a fun time was had by all those who attended the Finale Party. I was very sad to miss that this year. So whats next?? Watermelon! Have a look at the Manukau Libraries website, there is a competition being run for New Zealand Book Month 2009. It all starts with a New Zealand short story written by J.B. Ringer called Watermelon. I am not saying another word - go check it out.
And what have we been up to? This month we had the Great Web Search Challenge! I challenged the group to find the answers to some obscure questions quick. Some of you were amazingly quick, others were extremely thorough with your answers. Our quick winners were Danielle and Alex - well done. Our next meeting is on Thursday the 17th of September @ Mangere Bridge Library.
Before I go I have to tell you about what I have been reading. I found a fantastic book that I have been telling everybody about called Audrey Wait by Robin Benway. This is a first novel for this author and it is a lot of fun. 16 year old music lover, Audrey, dumps her musician boyfriend who promptly writes an angry song about her. He plays the song at a local gig and before she knows it Audrey is the centre of a whole lot of attention. I could not put this book down. It is laugh out loud funny. If you want to know more before you come see me to order it have a look at this review. http://womantribune.com/book-review-audrey-wait-robin-benwayP.S don't tell your parents I told you about it cause it is full of stuff you shouldn't know about!!!!

You can tell your parents about the other book I found tho, It is called
How not to act old by
Pamela Redmond Satran. This is a book for those of us over the age of ... (never mind) who want to keep in touch with youth or not let on just how out of touch we really are. It has 185 ways to pass for Phat, Sick, Hot, Dope, Awesome, or at Least Not Totally Lame. I am having great fun with this but unfortuately I am who I am and I will never be able to follow all her excellent advise. I cannot go out with out my watch on for example. I will let you know how I get on with the rest of it.
Well thats it, post a comment and tell me what you are reading.
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