So whats next?? Watermelon! Have a look at the Manukau Libraries website, there is a competition being run for New Zealand Book Month 2009. It all starts with a New Zealand short story written by J.B. Ringer called Watermelon. I am not saying another word - go check it out.
And what have we been up to? This month we had the Great Web Search Challenge! I challenged the group to find the answers to some obscure questions quick. Some of you were amazingly quick, others were extremely thorough with your answers. Our quick winners were Danielle and Alex - well done. Our next meeting is on Thursday the 17th of September @ Mangere Bridge Library.

P.S don't tell your parents I told you about it cause it is full of stuff you shouldn't know about!!!!

Well thats it, post a comment and tell me what you are reading.