So what is happening? September has been dubbed Art month here. You will all remember I forced you to be creative at the last meeting? Cruel I know. Your pictures are on display on the noticeboard at the moment. We have the Junior Art Exhibition starting on the 29th of September. Remember that anyone who brings in a piece of art to display will go into the draw to win a basket of art supplies. It is looking good.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 18 September @ 4.30pm. We talked last month about doing some mad science. If you have a particular experiment you would like to try please let me know. It must be something that is practical to try in the library. Otherwise I thought we would do some planning for both Game day and the Halloween party we talked about last month. I also have a couple of puzzles to show you with a prize to anybody who can solve them without me showing you. If you have any portable puzzles you could bring them along.
Right thats all for now, drop me a line and tell me what you think. Oh, before you go, have look down the right hand side of the page and you will see My Librarything. I have been adding all the teen books I have been reading so you can check them out. You could go and create your own ...